miércoles, 22 de diciembre de 2010


I love music, it's actually one of the things I would not be able to live without... This reminds me of this time, few weeks ago we were in Cuenca for a youth conference.. Uncle Nick made a small reflexion with us about our priorities in life he wanted to each one us and get to know how we view life.The first person he asked which ones they were in order of importance was me!!.. He said ok.. so what are the 5 things most important things in your life that you wouldn't be able to live without.

I've never been asked such as question, and at the moment I stood there speechless, not being able to answer, thought I new 3 of the most important things in my life, I didn't know 5!!! I didn't know the priority each one has in my life.. Still today I'm confused in the priority they have..

What Uncle Nick said made me think so much on the way I organize things and don't really know which one is more important than the other. What he said was... you have to understand that in life  you have to get rid of absolutely everything that is stopping you from being able to give the best to your first priorities, you have to make them dissapear, it';s the only way you can keep your mind focus on your 5 most important things.. The rest is truly NOT IMPORTANT!

So far I know this, in order of priorities: 
  1.  My religion-The Baha'i Faith (it involves service, the Writings, laws)
  2. Family  and Friends
  3. Education
  4. Music- (Art in general) - can't imagine a world without 
  5. Nature..
    1. But Not sure yet about the order.. toooooooo many things in mind don't know what is more important so far..
So.. why don't you to think about those 5 things that are more important to you in order.. do you give each one their priority? Have you left outside things that are keeping you away from advancing in spending time with our family? Serving Humanity? your education!?...

I have some other reflexions we also shared during the conference but I think this is definitely enough to think about now...!

There also a song that keeps me happy everyday and reminds me of the fact that everything we have is because God has given that to us, and we have to explode our talents in order to serve God and humanity..

She Marcela Gandara is a Christian singer that has many song dedicated to God.. 
Hope you enjoy them and make you reflect on what portion of what you do in life is dedicated to taking the best of what you've been given and share it to others...

martes, 21 de diciembre de 2010


O God! Thou art kind to all, Thou hast provided for all, dost shelter all, conferrest life upon all. Thou hast endowed each and all with talents and faculties, and all are submerged in the Ocean of Thy Mercy.

(Compilations, Baha'i Prayers, p. 101)

In honor of those I happen to admire.. 

Another piece of a wondeful man... AWESOMEEEEEEE...

Will continue posting later.. ENJOY!


A memoir.. what a beautiful word!.. I would love to right one.. hmmm but maybe later when I have actually accomplished something in my life! hahaa..

I have like a CHILION things to tell you... Chilion comes from FUTURAMA.. where they actually remind Fray that number doesn't even exist.. hahahha.a. it's such a fun thing to watch.. will post the link below for your entertainment! So here I will start with some fun stories that have happen, thought I'm not so sure I will have time.. I have my final tomorrow and I'm not even done with half of my case study..   =S .. I'm writing because I neede a break from business reading...!! 

First hilarious story: My friends Denisse and her mom came to Guayaquil.. We met up for lunch... it was fun, food was delicious.. Jokes came and went by as it's been usual in our conversations.. LAUGHTER proceeded as usual. But for this we needed a moment, a story... so we went to DePrati to buy something her mom needed, we where talking about Christmas and how it's such a waste of money and time.. I agreed but up to a point, I consider Christmans time to be delightful!.. I love it.!.. People in my opinion become kinder than they usually are, they are more likely to big you a hug (which I happen to LOVE)!  Anyways..the thing is that Denisse seriously doesn't like it.. she gave me a bunch of reasons why, but I couldn't get to explain how people seem to be different during Xtmas time.. while we were talking we approached to this big box full of small xtmas trees, deers, snowman, etc.. and a guy was putting more and more things inside of it.. (he worked there).. he was listening to us while we were laughing and I looked at him and asked  the same question I've asked to Denisse before: What do you think about Xtmas?! I was full into the idea that if he said yes I would tease him with him.. haha.. and if he said no, then I will tease him with her..!

And BUALAAA... As if destiny confabulated He didn't like it either and gave the same explanations Denisse gave me seconds ago.. they were indeed meant to be together!.. hahaha It's strange how in my utter being I had this feeling that my friend Denisse will continue with the joke, tease him, and we will all laugh .. but to my surprise she was embarrassed-shocked-nervous!.. haha.. it was a fun picture to watch.. so I kept teasing them.. and I just kept being magnified by the big smile that guy had.....

oh well.. YES.. I KNOW!.. I should admit I'm a bit crazy, but I just love talking to people, making them laugh.. sometimes I feel that when you talk to someone you don't know and you get to share a laughter, maybe it's the only laughter that person will have in the day.. you don't know their life, you don't know what they are going through.. but you know you gave them a few seconds of JOY for the day..!..

It was so beautiful to see that at the end when we were leaving, he waved with such excitement on his face.. mission was accomplished.. we'll be linked for life!... we shared a moment.. a moment of joy and happiness..the only thing I know is that who knows is a near future they will indeed end up sharing a heartbit, and he will be the man sleeping net to her for eternity?! I just know.. you never really know!...

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUs2JTYEvYQ


jueves, 2 de diciembre de 2010

Spreading Joy- Intro!

I started a blog  long time ago, that one was in Spanish, never the less as strange as it semens to be I find it way more comfortable writing in English rather than my mother tongue. Maybe it's a way to try something new and challenge myself to fully express myself in a foreign language. 

This blog was born through out an inspiration from this quote from Abdu'l-Baha:

"Joy gives us wings! In times of joy our strength is more vital, our intellect keener, and our understanding less clouded. We seem better able to cope with the world and to find our sphere of usefulness." 

So I decided to find in every single day things that feed me with joy as a way to also spread it to other. Through these last couple of weeks I have come to understand that you can't give until you posses and you can't posses util you search for something and persevere during the search. I've been in a constant search for happiness, but I found it extremely difficult to reach. I had so many things in my mind from some pretty difficult years of my life, that didn't let go this strong and tough person I had made up to seem as invincible as I could be, something I came to realize has not a wise decision. I wouldn't have realized this without the hours of intensive support that my friend Valentina game me and also for the long afternoons sitting and listening to my stories and giving me advices an tools to seek that person I had hid underneath all those layers of (I could say) strong fortitude.

I was a comfortable, smiley, happy being. I loved who I was because I had buried my past. I had buried moments of my life that made me unhappy, but I buried them in such a strange way, that I could almost say I had transformed them into happy moments (thought I knew they were not). Whenever I was asked about my hips operations (I have a total of 6) I acted as if it was the most amazing thing on life. I said I learned so much about me, and that I got to experience so many things that I rested importance to the things that actually affected me. I'm not saying I didn't but I had to reach the stage I'm now, to accept all those things that happen and learn to love myself as I'm today, complete and full.

I have taken serious decisions lately. Decisions that should have been taken a LONG time ago. Decisions that would have showed me millions and millions of ways to be happy and full of joy! So here I am. Writing all this. Empowering myself in a thing that I will fill me with absolute joy and that I have wanted to do for such a long time: WRITE!