jueves, 2 de diciembre de 2010

Spreading Joy- Intro!

I started a blog  long time ago, that one was in Spanish, never the less as strange as it semens to be I find it way more comfortable writing in English rather than my mother tongue. Maybe it's a way to try something new and challenge myself to fully express myself in a foreign language. 

This blog was born through out an inspiration from this quote from Abdu'l-Baha:

"Joy gives us wings! In times of joy our strength is more vital, our intellect keener, and our understanding less clouded. We seem better able to cope with the world and to find our sphere of usefulness." 

So I decided to find in every single day things that feed me with joy as a way to also spread it to other. Through these last couple of weeks I have come to understand that you can't give until you posses and you can't posses util you search for something and persevere during the search. I've been in a constant search for happiness, but I found it extremely difficult to reach. I had so many things in my mind from some pretty difficult years of my life, that didn't let go this strong and tough person I had made up to seem as invincible as I could be, something I came to realize has not a wise decision. I wouldn't have realized this without the hours of intensive support that my friend Valentina game me and also for the long afternoons sitting and listening to my stories and giving me advices an tools to seek that person I had hid underneath all those layers of (I could say) strong fortitude.

I was a comfortable, smiley, happy being. I loved who I was because I had buried my past. I had buried moments of my life that made me unhappy, but I buried them in such a strange way, that I could almost say I had transformed them into happy moments (thought I knew they were not). Whenever I was asked about my hips operations (I have a total of 6) I acted as if it was the most amazing thing on life. I said I learned so much about me, and that I got to experience so many things that I rested importance to the things that actually affected me. I'm not saying I didn't but I had to reach the stage I'm now, to accept all those things that happen and learn to love myself as I'm today, complete and full.

I have taken serious decisions lately. Decisions that should have been taken a LONG time ago. Decisions that would have showed me millions and millions of ways to be happy and full of joy! So here I am. Writing all this. Empowering myself in a thing that I will fill me with absolute joy and that I have wanted to do for such a long time: WRITE!

2 comentarios:

  1. Se supone que los comentarios también son en Inglés?

    I have known that u have a lot to write, to release... I think this is the best way...
    I'm so proud of u, I think this is a really big step in your life, sometimes we need more than tears for feel freedom... we need to talk, to write... and tell the world that we live in a very nice way, and also in a strage one

    LOVE U...
    I do really like ur new blog... I think I'm going to practice my English a lot

  2. Thank you beautiful!.. we'll both practice our english!..

    love you
